
Why We Didn’t Outsource our Website

The CIA website is more complex than it looks. Believe it or not, it is because of that complexity that we decided to do as much as possible ourselves. Learn which tasks we tackled and which we out-sourced.

We’re on The Crafty Planner Podcast

CIA-Podcast-Graphic-200 We are guests on The Crafty Planner podcast today. Hear how the idea for Craft Industry Alliance first came about, what it’s been like to plan and prepare the site over the last 10 months, and what our goals are for the community and knowledge base that will live here.

Meet Our Designers

cia-branding-200As the idea for Craft Industry Alliance began to coalesce we realized that we actually needed to create two different kinds of visuals: illustrations and graphic design. Luckily we found just the right people to work with. Meet our graphic designer, Lindsie Bergevin, and our illustrator, Nicole Stevenson, and hear more about the visual plan for the site.

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