
Craftsy releases DVDs

In a move that some may read as a technological step backward, Craftsy will soon be releasing a selection of classes as DVDs. In an announcement sent to instructors today, Craftsy’s Instructor Program Manager explained that 60 of their 1,300+ classes would be released as DVDs in May, with another 60 coming at the end of June. The initiative appears to be an effort to convert new customers to the Craftsy platform.

“Selling Craftsy class content in this format will provide incremental revenue and help us convert more makers into students and consumers of our content,” the statement said. “Consumer research last Fall highlighted an attractive consumer segment for whom we believe DVDs are an appealing format.”

The DVDs will be priced $20 higher than a typical online class and will for the time being not include online access or instructor support. “In the future, we’ll explore selling a ‘DVD + streaming’ combination,” the announcement said.

Instructors will be compensated for sales commensurate with the compensation rate they currently receive for courses that do not include student participation.

Craftsy class DVDs will be for sale on Craftsy.com beginning in April, with other sales avenues potentially added later. “We are also exploring other channels, including catalogs, libraries, other online retailers as well as brick & mortar retailers,” the announcement stated.

The initiative appears to be directed by Jonathan Reinemund, senior director of new business, who has been at the company since the summer of 2015.

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