Dec 6, 2021
During supply chain disruptions like we’re now experiencing, having a detailed understanding of your business’s supply needs and how to adapt, can mean the difference between success and failure.
May 17, 2019
In a perfect world, business would run smoothly. Customers would never leave negative feedback or attack a merchant for a perceived injustice. Unfortunately, this isn’t a perfect world. Sometimes you must take the good with the bad and adapt as situations arise. So how do you handle difficult and stressful situations? Are there ways to prevent misunderstandings and future problems?
Apr 24, 2019
Customers are like snowflakes; no two are alike. Some are wonderful people that reinforce your belief in humanity while others make you question why you ever got out of bed. Thankfully, most customers fall somewhere in the middle and are pleasant, happy people. It’s important to recognize the potential high maintenance customers before you accept their orders and to be aware of potential business challenges you may face. So how do you spot different personalities?
Feb 15, 2019
Turning a hobby into a viable and profitable business is a dream for many crafters and artists. The reality is that only a small percentage are successfully able to make the conversion. You can be an expert in your respective discipline, but if you fail to present yourself in a professional manner, others will not see the value in your work and may pass on your products/services. So, how do you create a professional image? Here are a few suggestions that have been proven to work.