
Show Report: International Quilt Festival, 2018

Many people consider the International Quilt Festival, held yearly in Houston, TX to be the Mothership of all quilt shows. It’s certainly the largest, most diverse gathering of quilters in the world. As a long-time teacher in the industry, Lyric Kinard has had the privilege of attending a number of times and has met quilters from all over the United States and around the world. Who knew there were quilters in Greece and Turkey? This time around she ran into friends from Australia and New Zealand, Europe and South America. It’s truly a place where she can find her tribe in all its glorious diversity. Lyric tells us all about what was new and exciting at Festival this year in this show report.

Going It on Your Own with Online Teaching

If you have considered teaching online independent of the large craft platforms, here are some things art quilter Lyric Kinard has learned that might be worth thinking about.

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