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Plain Vernal

Joanna Theriault

Business Info

Sector: Embroidery, Cross Stitch, Design, Publishing, Textiles
Type of Business: Ecommerce, Designer, Artist, Surface Pattern Designer


Plain Vernal is my small design company based in Toronto, Canada, and focuses on surface pattern design, graphic design, blackwork embroidery pattern design, and other creative pursuits. Designs are often inspired by nature, history, and location, and I draw upon my backgrounds in lifelong handcraft, textile, and history interests, as well as more formal education as an interior design technologist with additional training in fine art, landscape design, and graphic design. An occasional dip into wayfinding, process organization, and data visualization stems from an earlier career in accounting as well as more recent work experience in the healthcare planning and redevelopment area.

Contact Plain Vernal

45 Wanda Rd.
Toronto, ON
M6P 1C7




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