Small Batch Manufacturers

Finding a small batch manufacturer that can help you produce your goods can be a vital step for a small business looking to scale. We’ve rounded up small batch manufacturers that specialize in working with creative businesses to make the research step easier for our members.

Coley International Helps Small Businesses Bring Products to Market

Coley International is a new consulting firm headed by Nichole Schneider, an experienced product developer, and sourcing specialist. With Coley, Schneider is focused on helping solo entrepreneurs and small business owners navigate the product manufacturing process from start to finish.

All About Small Batch Manufacturing with David Allen of Allen Manufacturing

In this webinar, David Allen of Allen Manufacturing in Lewiston, Maine will explain all of the steps you need to have a product manufactured. David specializes in working with small businesses and will walk us through sourcing, creating prototypes, costs, minimums, and turnaround times, and protecting your intellectual property.

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