
Podcast Episode #165: Norma Loehr of Orange Lingerie

In this podcast episode, sewing pattern designer Norma Loehr talks about how she’s built her Orange Lingerie brand including transitioning from corporate America to working for herself and building a distinctive niche brand from the ground up.

Strength in Adaptability: Thimble Fingers Sewing Studio in Houston, Texas

The floodwaters of Hurricane Harvey stopped about three blocks from Thimble Fingers Sewing Studio, in Houston, Texas, in the summer of 2017. And though the shop itself endured the storm without damage, the neighborhood it’s part of did not. But owner Sherry Reese has been remarkably adaptable.

Podcast Episode #148: Sarah Kirsten

On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast, we’re talking about building a new sewing blog and business with my guest, Sarah Kirsten Anderson of the blog and sewing […]

6 Safety Tips to Keep in Mind When Teaching Kids’ Sewing Classes

Teaching kids to sew can be both fun and a bit scary. Can a 7-year-old be taught to use a sewing machine independently and safely? Megan Avery says yes! She runs a sewing studio in New Jersey and here she shares her top 6 safety tips to keep in mind when teaching kids to sew.

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