In this episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast my guests are Meg Freeman and Dorie Schwarz.
Meg and Dorie are sewists and bloggers in their own right, and together they are the women behind Kids Clothes Week, the popular online challenge to sew clothes for your kids 1 hour a day each day for a week and share what you’ve made online. During Kids Clothes Week hundreds, and sometimes even thousands, of people are sewing together every day, creating a community of mothers taking extra time to create something personal and beautiful for their children.
Meg Freeman started Kid’s Clothes Week in 2008. She wanted to sew clothes for her children, but every night ended up lying on the couch instead of working in front of the sewing machine. She came up with the idea to challenge herself to sew for an hour each night for a week and it worked! Soon after, she invited everyone who read her blog, Elsie Marley, to join in the challenge. And so Kids Clothes Week was born!
Dorie Schwarz joined Meg in 2012 to plan and build a new site for the Kids Clothes Week community. Dorie is really into making things. She’s been stitching and blogging at Tumbling Blocks since her teenage daughter was a tiny girl. For her, writing code and building websites is a creative endeavor. She’s happy to have banded together with Meg to create an online home for the Kids Clothes Week community.
The next Kids Clothes Week Challenge runs from April 7-13. The theme is “mini me.” Listen to the show to hear how Kids Clothes Week came to be, and why Meg and Dorie are devoted to making it into a movement that fosters creativity and joy among mothers and their children.
In this episode Meg, Dorie and I also share our top picks for neat apps, tools, books, supplies, and other fun stuff we’re enjoying right now. This is perhaps my favorite part of the show because I always learn about neat new things. I hope you do, too!
Dorie recommends:
- Cup, Not a Cup party
Meg recommends:
And I recommend:
- Nancy Zieman’s autobiography Seams Unlikely
I would like to sincerely thank the sponsor for this episode of the podcast, Eucalan.
For over 20 years Eucalan’s simple soak and spin delicate wash has been the preferred choice for your handmade creations.
This non-toxic solution is formulated without petro chemicals, bleach or optical brighteners making it safe and gentle for everything from baby items to quilts, handknits and lingerie. Infused with beneficial essential oils of either eucalyptus, lavender, grapefruit, jasmine – or an unscented version – there’s an option for everyone.
The best feature is that it’s a no rinse formula, saving you time & money while preserving the life of your special garments. Look for Eucalan in your local yarn, quilt or lingerie shop.
Thanks, Eucalan, for sponsoring the show!
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