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Create an Airbnb Experience as Part of Your Business Marketing Plan

Airbnb Experiences are one-of-a-kind activities, hosted by locals, in which people pay to participate. Aritsans and crafters who have Airbnb’s are adding Experiences to their rosters as a way to diversify their income, add an additional teaching venue to their rosters, and meet new people.

Textile Artist Gets Residency in Senegal

Heather Jones, who uses textiles as other artists use paint to create bold contemporary work, is one of 16 artists selected as the first artists-in-residence at Black Rock Senegal, a new artist’s retreat in Senegal, West Africa.

What is h+h Cologne and Is It Right for Your Business?

Traveling overseas to attend a trade show is a big investment of both time and financial resources, but the payoff can be big. If you’re going to go abroad in search of unique products to source for your retail shop or to make connections with European buyers, h+h Cologne is likely your best bet.

Don’t Let Social Anxiety Disorder Hurt Your Business

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, about 15 million American adults suffer from this disorder, which can seriously and negatively affect one’s life, from social to business.

Building Connections at ‘Meet the Teacher’ Programs

Each year, quilt teachers, judges, quilt shop owners, museum staff, conference/show organizers, and guild representatives gather for regional Meet the Teachers (MTT) programs. Quilt teacher, Sarah Goer, describes MTT as “speed dating for quilt teachers and guild program chairs. It’s a great face-to-face opportunity to meet dozens of people in a short period of time.”

How to Make The Most of Your Trunk Show

Although ‘trunks’ themselves are virtually a thing of the past, ‘trunk shows’ produced from a multitude of travel bags and boxes containing all sorts of beautiful handmade items are very much a thing of the present.

Brand Ambassadors Help Companies Earn Loyal Fans

Nothing sells a product better than word of mouth from a trusted source – whether it’s a restaurant to try, a movie to see, or a craft product to buy – which is why brand ambassador programs are so successful.

How to Write a Great Bio: Tips for Craft Business Owners

Writing a professional bio can be intimidating. Whether it’s a short bio on a website, an “about me” column on a blog, or a one-liner for an article, it’s tough to write about ourselves, ‘cause, heck, no one likes a bragger.

But your bio is an important business tool, whether you are introducing yourself to potential customers and clients or to a potential boss. A good bio tells someone why you are the right person for the job, why he or she should buy your products, why you are the perfect one to write an article or book, teach a class, create a design, etc.

Business Retreat Planning Checklist

Planning the details of your business retreat beforehand will ensure you and all the participants to get the most out of the retreat.

LinkedIn for Craft Professionals

LinkedIn claims 500 million users, with about 100 million using the platform actively—that’s a big audience that you don’t want to ignore.

How I Got That Gig: Absolut Vodka + Libs Elliott

We’re excited to launch a new series, How I Got That Gig, in which we ask craft industry professionals to tell us the story behind a great commission, job, freelance opportunity, or contract. The first story is from quilter, Libs Elliot, who recently designed a label for the Absolute Canada commemorative bottle.

Networking Tips for Introverts

Networking might sound like a nightmare when you’re introverted by nature. But it’s super important to building your business and community, and it doesn’t have to be a drag.

Game On! Working With a Business Coach

I’ve worked with a business coach three times, which represent three of the best business decisions I’ve made. I encourage you to explore mentoring or coaching too.

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