
What to Do When Your Craft Book Goes Out of Print

Writing a craft book can be a great way to establish your credibility as an artist and maker, to share your particular methods with a wider audience, and to create a new revenue stream. But eventually, most craft books go out of print—and when they do, what options do you have to reuse your content?

How to Get a Craft Book Deal

The book publishing industry worldwide—though it seems to be shrinking a bit with publishing houses closing, being bought, or filing for bankruptcy—is still on the lookout for original ideas and unique twists on the tried and true when it comes to arts and crafts.

Podcast Episode #81: Roost Books

On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast, we’re talking about publishing craft books with my guests, Sara Bercholz and Jennifer Urban-Brown of Roost Books, an imprint of Shambhala. […]

Podcast Episode #77: Amy Marson, Publisher of C&T

On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast we’re talking about craft publishing with my guest, Amy Marson. Amy is the publisher at C&T Publishing which includes the Stash […]

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