New stained glass artists are creating unique designs that are eye-catching, nostalgic, and super fun. In this latest installment of our trends series, What’s New in Craft, we’re digging into this beautiful technique.
Stained glass has a long history in Western craft, dating back all the way to the first century CE in Rome. Now, stained glass artists—some of whom took up the hobby during the pandemic—are using the medium to create affordable, smaller pieces that can hang from a small window-mount hook.
Makers of stained glass use a variety of methods to join pieces of glass together. Some use lead (to make what is called, unsurprisingly, “leaded” stained glass) while others bond the edges of each piece of glass with copper, then join them with solder (this is called the “copper method” or sometimes the “Tiffany method,” after the artist Louis Comfort Tiffany).
Modern artists use both methods, and others, included fusing glass (firing smaller pieces of glass together in a kiln). Many also create stickers and window glass clings from their art, and some make jewelry and hairpieces, as well.
Some of these shops use a “shop drop” model, where they announce restocks of items via a newsletter or on social media—so if the shop appears empty, it may be sold out for now.

Meg Makes Stained Glass
With the tag line “Subtle nerd decor,” Meg Lumbar uses the copper foil method and fused glass to make a range of suncatchers, plant stakes, and pins. Many feature Pokémon, though she has also made suncatcher chains of sausages and donuts. Lumbar has also called her work “heirlooms for millennials.” The bright colors of these creative creatures come to life when the sun shines through (try not to be charmed by the teal Snorlax).

Neil Neil Orange Peel Designs
Agave planter
Neil Maciejewski’s Etsy shop page proudly proclaims “THIS IS THE SHOP THAT STARTED THE STAINED GLASS AGAVE CRAZE!” Maciejewski has been creating stained glass for more than thirty years, and his stained glass agave “plants” have been featured in Buzzfeed, Delish, and others. You can buy them already “planted” in all sorts of different planters, from ceramic pineapples to hollowed-out driftwood logs, or separately to add to your own décor. Maciejewski also makes full-size custom stained glass windows and large, abstract designs that evoke sea life and ocean waves—his workshop is on Cape Cod.
Heart of (Stained) Glass
Moon suncatcher
Isabel Raymond designs modern suncatchers that evoke Art Nouveau tinged with magic. Her leaded stained glass moons are hand-painted, adding abstract swirls and bursts to already iridescent shades of glass. Her work also includes geometric blossoms and hearts, and other witchy subjects like pumpkins and a “Witching Hour Skirt Lampshade” that is just the right amount of spooky.

Linebaugh Studios
Moth window hanging
In addition to making stained glass window hangings, Rosie Linebaugh makes window clings and crystal “drops” that reflect and refract light. Her designs feature serpents and scarabs, moths and mushrooms. Her new book, The Complete Guide to Handmade Stained Glass, offers an alternative to taking a class for beginners.

Glimpse Glass
Glass flower wreath
Kara Bussey crafts intricate wreaths, flower crowns, and even hair ornaments from small-petaled stained glass flowers using the copper foil method. Her works use lots of jewel tones (indigo, amethyst, and jade green) and iridescent pinks and purples. Though the flowers are mostly imaginary, the look is organic.

Daylight Glassworks
Dog portrait
Day Kennedy designs cheerful, abstract geometric designs and cute dogs to hang in your window. Her color palette is reminiscent of the seventies, with lots of yellows, oranges, muted pinks, and teal. She also owns ATL Glassworks, a supply shop and studio for glass artists.

Ivy’s Glass Cottage
Based in Australia, Ivy De Bruijn repurposes textured antique glass in her window hangings, which have a naturally vintage vibe. Her designs include a lot of flowers—she started her creative career as a florist—as well as Art Deco-inspired geometric designs and animals. De Bruijn also sells patterns in her Etsy shop for folks who wish to make their own.

Forest City Stained Glass
Stacie Foerster has been making nature-inspired designs in her Ontario studio since 2015. Her grandfather was also a stained glass artist. Foerster’s window hangings include charming forest animals, tulips and Jack-in-the-pulpit flowers, and butterfly cocoons, to name a few. The lifelike quality captured by her simple designs is delightful.

Shea Nicole Roberts
Artist Shea Nicole Roberts creates stained glass scenes that include astronauts, mushrooms, and deep-sea divers—sometimes in the same piece. Her unique wall hangings and suncatchers are dreamy, fluid, and fun to look at.
Share your favorite stained glass artist in the comments!

Alicia de los Reyes
Alicia de los Reyes is a freelance writer who loves to make things. She has her MFA in creative nonfiction from the University of New Hampshire and her work has appeared in the Billfold, the Archipelago, Sojourners Magazine, and others. See more of her work at aliciadelosreyes.com.
Thanks for showing us Neil’s AGAVE planter—what a neat, a unique idea!
You may also like (if you don’t already know of this studio) https://www.terrazastainedglass.com/
I chatted with Ms Terazza about a job with her years ago. If you seek out her etsy page, you’ll see her commissions go from (seems like) life sized Star Wars characters to high-end floral, scenic and abstract designs.
Very cool! Thanks for sharing, Margaret!
UK based artist Andy’s glass – website here https://andy.merckel.uk/ but lots more loveliness on Instagram @andys.glass
Lovely! Thank you, Liz!