Paper artist Cecilia Louie realized she’s not the only one to experience the pain of upset Etsy customers who didn’t know how to download their digital files so she put together this helpful post for sellers with tips to make the process as smooth as possible.
Cecelia’s popular Quilling Letters ebook available as a download in her Etsy shop.
“Thief! I’m reporting you to Etsy!”
These are not the words I was hoping to hear after selling my PDF e-book in my Etsy shop.
I had thought my follow-up email containing a polite thank you, a coupon for future purchase, and offer to help with any concerns would be a welcoming gesture of open communication.
Instead of taking her anger personally, I sent instructions on how to download, as well as a screen capture of the action required, because I knew she was obviously frustrated in not receiving her purchase immediately. Sure enough, she apologized and explained there were no instructions from Etsy.
A search on Etsy’s Help Center leads to a URL with helpful information. However, it’s only helpful if you know to look there. Some customers checkout as “Guests” and don’t have experience with online purchases or experience with Etsy. As a seller, I should not be putting the onus on my client to research how to access their purchase.
Now I include the message below in all my follow-up emails. This also helps clarify that the purchase is digital, and will not be physically shipped to them. Unfortunately, I’ve had buyers purchase e-books, expecting it would be shipped to them even though it’s stated in the heading, description, and on top of my photos.
- Log in to your Etsy account
- Click on “You” (top right)
- Choose “Purchases and reviews”
- Find the order. Click on “Download Files” (to the right of the order)
- The file will go to your “Downloads” folders
To make my response easier and faster, I use Gmail’s “canned responses“, which pastes a pre-typed message into the email. My canned response includes a screen capture with circled areas to ensure they know where to look – a picture really is worth a thousand words.

Really helpful Cecelia, thank you.
So happy to hear that Amanda!
Please help. I purchased on Etsy a pdf crochet pattern. It didn’t show up in my purchases or messages. I was logged in when I ordered it. The seller tried to send me a link through my email and I keep getting g oops something went wrong page!
Please help I would like my pattern.
We can’t help you with an Etsy purchase. We aren’t affiliated with Etsy. Please reach out to Etsy or the Etsy seller directly. Thank you.
Hi, please help me to purchase and download ONLY. I dont want to shipnmy order to south africa..they keep asking for my shipping adress
If you’re only buying a digital file, there won’t be anything coming to your home. They ask for your shipping address just for processing the order.
Evidently I don’t have a program to open some of these downloaded files on my mac. What should I get
You should ask the seller you purchased them from.
A great help. Thanks! I hope my buyer finds the instructions sufficient. She is having great difficulty. I will have to send the files by email if she doesn’t manage with those instructions.
If i read correctly I’m able to ptint as many as I would like
How long will the lownload be good for? Is there a time limit?Can I print any size? Can I take somewhere to print a larger one at a store, or am i limited to printing size of my personal computer? Read your instructions and think I’ll be able to follow. I will just have to get someone younger than 66 to help me retrieve it from phone and then print! I REALLY do want this particular map. Hope you keep till I can find some to help. Won’t take long. Thanks for answering questions
Hi Emily,
Answering your questions in order:-
Yes, you can print as many pages as you like (for your personal use), as many times as you like.
As far as I know the download lasts for ever (for as long as Etsy keeps going!).
You can print any of the sizes provided (A4, A5, Letter, Half-Letter, Personal Wide and Happy Planner Classic), and – if you have the skill – could resize them to fit other planners you may have. You could look on google to see how to do that, if you wish.
You are welcome to put the files onto a memory stick and take to a printer (if the shop is open; here in Victoria we are on Stage 4 lockdown and our shops are shut). If you home printer has a photocopy facility, try one of each page from the shop, and photocopy the ones you feel you need more of at home. Perhaps it would be cheaper?
66 – you’re just one year older than me! Sure you do this – do what I do and go to good old google!
If I can ehp further, message me on Etsy.
Oops – typo! That should say ‘If I can help further…’
I’m just starting with the digital items for my Etsy shop, mostly bookmarks, etc.
Could I use exactly what you have above and put it in my Message to digital buyers sections?
Would you mind? It is so very self-explanatory. I love it!
Trust me…this doesn’t work on an iPad. There is no “download files” anywhere. Am done with Etsy and their download stuff.
Contact the seller. They might be able to help you. Or try using the “request desktop site” on chrome.
The page link posted above has some information about downloading your files using the Etsy app. If this is what you are trying, it can’t be done with the Etsy app. You will have to go to your device browser login to your Etsy account and download the files. You could also contact the seller and request to email the files to you.
No digital download file on an iphone either. Perhaps Etsy doesn’t deal with Apple Products. I did manage to download my knitting pattern on a dell desktop computer. But it was such a phaff I decided I’m not going to buy from Etsy again. Plenty of other outlets to choose from.
i purchased a pattern for instant download it doesn’t show as a purchase in my profile so can’t click on said item or find it on etsy but i can find on my PayPal account that the money has gone 🙁
Please contact Etsy or the Etsy seller you purchased the pattern from. We are not affiliated with Etsy and can’t help you with customer service. Thank you.
Downloading orders: followed downloading instructions however they did not go to my download folder. Where do I find them?
Does this work on mobile?
No, you can only download digital files on a desktop computer.
Hi, Although I’ve had an Etsy store forever, I’m just now starting to sell digital printables on Etsy and this was really helpful! Like way more helpful than Etsy.
I need help with how to purchase a digital file
You can message the seller on Etsy for help.
Can yo adjust these files to make them different sizes? I’ve never downloaded digital files before .
It depends on the file. Message the seller directly to inquire.
How can I retrieve a knitting pattern I bought on line for a boys hoodie up to size 32
You will need to go on Etsy to your account. We are not affiliated with Etsy and can’t help you here.
Thank you for your help. I seem stuck at the part where a zip file is uploaded and a client wants to buy one item in the zip folder. Can the buyer just take all the items in the zip file or is the digital item she bought the only one she can open in the zip file?
If you upload a zip file as the product on Etsy, the customer who buys that product will have access to everything in the zip file. So select only the files you want them to have access to and just zip those for that product.
Bought my patterns but when I go to ‘purchases and reviews’ it shows what I purchased etc but the box says delivered not download, don’t know what I have to do. I have an iPhone.
Contact the seller directly. Please keep in mind that you can’t download digital files from Etsy on a mobile device.
Here is canned text I send to my customers who need help with their downloads, whether on a computer or from a mobile device.
It’s easiest to download to your computer. From the menu bar at the top of the ETSY screen, choose “You” or “Account,” and then choose “Purchases.” You should be able to download from the Purchases screen.
Downloading to a mobile device is a bit more challenging. You cannot download from the ETSY app. However, on your mobile device, open a browser window and go to ETSY.COM. You may need to log into your account. Then follow the steps in the above paragraph.
Please let me know if you still need help.
Can’t print the pattern purchased
Please reach out to the seller directly on Etsy. We aren’t able to provide you with customer service here.
While helpful to a point, it is a necessity that Etsy and everyone posting videos and answers let customers know that you CANNOT download any digital files off of their app which in this app world is totally ridiculous! You must be in an actual browser to do this. Etsy’s app will not work to download. You will not even see a link causing much frustration and aggravation on both the buyer and seller side. This really needs to be a top priority on Etsy’s part!