
On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast we’re talking about going from blogger to author and teacher with my guest, Anne Weil.

Anne is the creator of the blog Flax & Twine and a designer of patterns and projects that have been published by Martha Stewart, Design*Sponge, Elle Decor, Real Simple, and the Huffington Post. The author of Weaving Within Reach (affiliate link) and  Knitting Without Needles (affiliate link), Anne teaches classes nationwide at art retreats and local yarn stores and online at Creativebug.com and Craftsy.com. She lives in Denver, Colorado, with her family.

I was lucky to have Anne visit me in my studio for this interview while she was in town as part of her book tour. It’s always especially nice to be able to record an interview in person.

weaving within reach by anne weil

Image from Weaving Within Reach by Anne Weil.

In this interview, we talk about Anne’s interest in making things with her hands as a child and how that got eclipsed by academic and athletic achievement in high school and college. Anne graduated from Yale and went on to have a successful career on Wall Street working long hours in a high paying job. Although she was good at it, she felt unfulfilled and when she and her husband quit their jobs and moved to Boulder, Colorado, Anne got back in touch with her desire to be an artist.

Weaving Within Reach by Anne Weil

Image from Weaving Within Reach by Anne Weil.

After having three kids in three years, a friend suggested that she start a blog to help her find her artistic voice and Flax & Twine was born. We talk about how the blog evolved over time and led to her first book, Knitting Without Needles. I ask Anne about how she went about pitching that book to publishers and how she decided which one to choose. (Anne’s agent is Stephanie Von Borstel with Full Circle Literary.) Anne has done an amazing job marketing both of her books, including conducting a Great American Pouf Tour and we have a sort of meta-conversation about her book marketing strategy (since this podcast interview is part of that strategy).

Weaving Within Reach

We also talk about her new book, Weaving Within Reach. This book uses beautiful, modern yarns to create weaving projects at all levels from very simple woven pillows and keychains that you can make with your hands or a cardboard loom, to more complex woven coasters made on a loom. Anne brought me the trunk show samples from the book and they are so gorgeous!

Of course, I ask Anne to recommend great stuff she’s enjoying right now. Anne recommends:

Catch up with Anne on Instagram to see what’s she’s up to and visit her shop to browse all of her books, patterns, supplies, and kits.

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This episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast is sponsored by Search Press North America, bestselling books for sewing, quilting, knitting, fine art and many other crafts. Award-winning titles include the A-Z embroidery books and the Half Yard sewing series. Whether you are a beginner or an expert looking for new inspiration, Search Press delivers consistent, step by step instruction books for all crafters. You can find Search Press books in all major craft stores, as well as specialist retailers around the world. Use the discount code WSN102018 to receive 20% discount off books on the Search Press North America website plus free shipping.


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