
On today’s episode of the Craft Industry Alliance podcast we’re talking about building a career as a quilter with my guest, Molli Sparkles.

Molli Sparkles is a multi-award-winning quilt maker who describes himself as a quiltmaker to the stars, fearless leader of the Glitterati, and spiller of truth tea. He blogs at MolliSparkles.com, and is a regular columnist for Make Modern and Textile Fibre Forum Magazines. His quilts have been exhibited and sold internationally, with a flair for humor, subversion, originality, and self-worth.

I Am the Glitter Bomb

We start out by talking about how Molli got to Australia (he’s originally from Oklahoma and went to college in Pennsylvania). Molli tells the story of how he got the name Molli Sparkles, what he calls his “nom de quilt” and why he uses that name rather than his given name online and in quilting circles. He talks about the concept of “quilt drag” and how he uses his blog to push gender boundaries within the quilting world.

Gender Kisses

Next, Molli talks about teaching himself to sew through online tutorials and making his first quilt in 2012 as a gift for his grandmother who raised him. He immediately fell in love with quilting, and with blogging about quilting, and since then has gone on to create many beautiful and interesting projects, some of them rather delving into controversial topics. We reference:

And, of course, I ask Molli to recommend great stuff he’s enjoying right now. Molli recommends:

Keep up with Molli on his blog and on Instagram or Facebook.


Quilt Photography Co.

This episode is sponsored by Quilt Photography Co. Beautiful photos of your quilts are within reach. We’ve made it easy for you – pick your package online, drop your quilt in the mail, then sit back and relax. Your quilt will be pampered and mailed back, and you can access your online gallery with the simple click of a button. Use the coupon code WHILESHENAPS to get 50% your first order. Visit Quilt Photography Co. today!


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