In this episode of the podcast, I chat one-on-one with artist and maker Sonya Philip.

Sonya lives in San Francisco where she knits, felts, and sews. She’s a self-taught artist who often works in series. I am really drawn to her most recent project, 100 Acts of Sewing, in which she’s made 100 dresses in a year, all from patterns she’s drafted herself.

Sonya continued the project for a second year and the array of dresses she’s made is so inspiring. You can browse them all on the gallery page of the 100 Acts of Sewing website.


Sonya and I talk about:

  • Body image and how it effects our decision to sew (or not to sew) clothing for ourselves.
  • How she came up with the idea to sew 100 dresses in a year and how the idea changed over time.
  • The effect that sewing her own clothes has had on Sonya’s life (she hasn’t bought a garment in two years).
  • The workshops she teaches based on the patterns used in the project.

100 Acts of Sewing

Sonya’s dresses on display at the 100 Acts of Sewing exhibit. I bought dress #14. You can see it way up there!


This is the one I bought. Yay!

Sonya Philip's patterns

Patterns for Dress #1 and Dress #2. Get both patterns in Sonya’s Etsy shop and make some yourself!

If you’re interested in fashion and dressing creatively, I recommend following Sonya on Pinterest. She pins beautiful, wearable clothing for real women. I love it.

Click the arrow below to hear the show, or download it for free in iTunes.



Check out this adorable little bird!

This guy was made by Erin Shebish of Sugar Crumbs on Etsy. Erin is sponsoring the blog this month. At Sugar Crumbs you’ll find adorable, handmade crocheted toys that are one-of-a-kind. Check out Erin’s shop on Etsy and show her some support! Thank you Erin.

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