
We’re talking about what it takes to have a polished and professional web presence on the Craft Industry Alliance podcast today. My guests are Arianne Foulks and Alicia Paulson.

aeolidia logo

Arianne Foulks runs Aeolidia, a web and graphic design studio that has been working with creative handmakers and designers since 2004, helping them put their best foot forward online. She started out doing client work on her own, and now manages a team of 20, and spends her days improving processes, coming up with ideas, spreading the word about Aeolidia, teaching, and writing.

Alicia Paulson is a craft designer who develops original patterns and kits for embroidery, quilts, softies, bags, and crochetwear. She’s the author two books and the wildly popular blog, Posie Gets Cozy. She lives with her husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon.

After eight years with a Typepad blog she’d designed using a free template, Alicia Paulson hired Aeolidia to redesign her website, blog, ecommerce shop and branding. Alicia went from an ad hoc site she’d pieced together bit by bit over the years, with PayPal buttons for a shopping cart, to a professionally designed online presence that matches the beauty and good design of her craft kits and patterns.


The Posie Gets Cozy design brief created by Aeolidia

Hear how Alicia knew it was time for a change, how much it cost, and what the redesign process was like. Alicia and Arianne talk frankly about what a new website will (and won’t) do for your business and when investing in one makes sense.

During our chat we refer to:

And, of course, I asked Alicia and Arianne to recommend great stuff they’re enjoying right now.

Alicia recommends:

Arianne recommends:

Connect with Arianne on the Aeolidia website and blog, or follow along on Instagram. Connect with Alicia on her blog, Posie Gets Cozy, and shop for her kits and patterns on her website.

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