
Membership Plugin Features to Consider

If you’re planning a membership site, you’ll have many considerations such as content, cost, and community. Use this guide to find what is available.

Avoid Copyright Breaches on Your Multi-Contributor Blog

If you have a multi-contributor craft blog how can you be sure that the posts and images contributors are submitting are original? Fiona Pullen of The Sewing Directory speaks from first hand experience with these expert tips.

SEO Best Practices for Craft Bloggers

Getting Google to work with you and for you takes time. But there are ways to make Google “warm up” to you faster. Here are some SEO tips that can help.

Search Engine Optimization for Crafters

Kim Herrington teaches online entrepreneurs how to leave an indelible mark on the world and change their lives by creating opportunity & financial success.

Ka-Ching! 10 Questions to Ask Before Choosing an Online Marketplace

Choosing the right platform to begin selling your products online can be overwhelming. There are a lot of great choices out there, so how do you know which one is right for you? One option is to start with an existing online marketplace that offers the tools and platform to sell your work without investing a lot of amount of time, effort, and money. Ask yourself these 10 questions before you begin.

Google Analytics for Craft Businesses

In this webinar, expert Samantha Barnes will explain how craft business owners can use Google Analytics, a powerful information tool, in a practical way.

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